5 Reasons Your CV Is Not Getting You Srilanka Job Vacancy !

5 Reasons Your CV Is Not Getting You Srilanka Job Vacancy!
Times are tough, life is becoming more difficult, and Srilanka Job Vacancy hunting seems to be an endless journey, a race with no finish line. That there are a handful of dream jobs out there is understandable. Today, millions who hoped they could be in their career choices are blocked from living their career dreams. You have probably searched for a job until you are bored out of your mind. You have probably heard “NO” like for the rest of your job hunt life until you are getting discouraged. To date, you have not scored an interview yet and the worst part, living with mommy at home at an adult age is heart breaking.
To be honest with you, competition is high right now, and if your resume is not getting you calls for Srilanka Job Vacancy interviews, your resume is not doing its job. I am not saying that your resume is faked up. I am saying that if it cannot earn you an opportunity to sit for an interview, it is definitely suitable for the “NO” pile in the HR or CEO office. Eventually, these resumes end up in the trash and you are left wondering why you are not getting your dream job.
You are too generic:
You love being like the rest. You probably think that if you do your resume the same way a friend did and got the job, you are going to hit the mark. No employer is going to call you unfortunately. If you cannot convey that you are an exceptional candidate, every employer will be left thinking you are just “another face in the crowd”.
You are “preaching”:
No one is interested in your bio data. Your life story is unnecessary, but if you keep doing it, you will remain in the same coach wondering what “the hell” is wrong with these employers. Start keeping it short. Your highlights should be full of insight, and backup your points with strong reasons to get you to the interview seat.
Where are the accomplishments?
You are not writing some content to publish on newspaper or articles for the web. Therefore, long job descriptions are unnecessary, but you keep doing it anyway. You duties in your previous job is not of much interest to any employer, your accomplishments are.
Education is your focal point:
Hey, I am not saying that including your education in the list is bad. However, if it is your angle of focus, then you are wasting your time. Employers are more interested in your experience. If you are leading with your education, you will bury what makes you attractive a prospective employer; your experience.
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