How to Apply for Jobs Online.

Before starting the process of applying for jobs online, make sure you have all the necessary information and documents at hand. It is suggested that you create an e-mail address to be used only for job searching. You need an uninterrupted internet connection, a well written and updated resume (both soft copy and hard copy) and your employment history. Some jobs might require a cover letter as well and your available timings; in case the job is a part-time one. Consult with someone who has experience of job searching on the internet to know more on how to apply for jobs online.
Preparing your resume
Your resume should be lucid, well written, and free from spelling and/or grammatical errors. It’s advisable to update your resume regularly to incorporate any new experiences or skills that you have acquired. If you shift home or change your contact number, do not forget to incorporate these changes in your resume; as well. Your resume should always have your current contact information. Keep a generic cover letter prepared that you can edit suitably before applying for different jobs. Many online job-seeking sites provide you the option of directly uploading your resume as a “.doc” file. Make sure you include your name in the file name, so your employer can connect you with your resume.
Employment History
Most online application forms require essentially; the same information as offline forms. Keep the details of your previous jobs close at hand, along with the contact number of the companies and your previous bosses. Mention not only the firms where you worked at, but also your job scope and designation. Take a look at a few sample job application forms, to get a rough idea of what information you’ll need.
Your Availability
In case you are selected for the job, your employer will want to know when you will be available to start work with them. Always mention your availability and desired working hours, especially when applying for a part time job.
Job keywords
Using keywords like your location, desired designation, industry, work experience and other job details will make it easier for prospective employers to find you. Some companies might also require you to have an account on an online job website. For a professional job, it is advisable to have an account on LinkedIn as well, containing your profile and employment history.
Searching Effectively
Using a search engine dedicated to jobs will help you save a lot of time and hassle. Using a job search engine ensures that all the jobs are listed one after the other, which gives you a lot of options and makes it easier to choose, instead of having to visit different sites and apply for one job at a time.
While searching, use the above mentioned keywords to narrow down your search according to your preferences. Irrespective of your application process, you will need to create a work profile, upload a resume and cover letter and possibly even have to sit for an employability test. Read the instructions and submit all that is required before sending your application.
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