How to Create Professional Resume Affectively!

People often say that the first impression is the last impression. While this might not entirely be true, one should remember that their resume goes a long way in determining their employer’s perception about him or her. A good resume will impress your prospective boss with your communication skills and neatness; two things that are required by almost all companies. While writing a resume might seem quite a daunting task at first, it is not that difficult if a few guidelines are followed. These are listed below:
Professional Style of Writing
Make sure that your resume is free from any typographical or grammatical errors as these, even when minor; leave a bad impression. Keep the formatting consistent. Using bullets in some places and numbers in others shows that your style of working is sloppy and uncoordinated. If you have one heading in bold, make sure the others are too! There are many books available that teach you how to create professional resume, which may also contain a few model resumes for reference. Consult these books if you are entirely unsure about the resume writing process. The sample resumes will help you get a good idea of the format of writing a resume, which will work for most job applications.
Targeting your resume
In case you already have a resume made, take a thorough look at the requirements of the job you are applying for. Edit your resume suitably, highlighting the points that you feel make you especially suited for the job. Instead of sending the same resume everywhere, adding a touch of customization to your resume increases your chances of being selected.
Once upon a time, resumes used to be page after page of dull typewritten text. Thankfully, those times are now long gone by. In an online job application, over and above the traditional resume, you can embed relevant videos and images pointing towards your achievements, goals and skills.
In case you are sending your resume by courier, you can include images and highlighted text. However, do not make it look like a Christmas card. The formatting should be understated and classy and the paper on which it is written; should be plain and white. Lurid colors and tacky formatting will not help you in the least. The idea is to make your resume stand out, without making it look loud and cheap.
Proofread your resume
Once you have finished writing the resume, check to see that you haven’t missed out any relevant points. In today’s competitive job market, each and every area of expertise is important. It is a good idea to jot down all the points you intend to include in your resume beforehand, to prevent confusion later on. At the same time, do not clutter it with information that is not at all relevant to the scope of the job that you are applying for. Once again, check for any typos or formatting anomalies that might have crept in and rectify them.
Have your final resume checked and read by someone close to you and whose opinion you trust.
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