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16 Feb 2015


Maritime International Limited – Posted by Anushka - Advertising manager Jahra, Kuwait

Job Description


Description of the advertisement

Required Experience

  • Minimum exp – 5-10 Years
  • Can handle Kawasaki products
  • Salary –  KD 150/= + Food Allowance KD 25/= + Housing Allowance KD 25/= + Transport Allowance KD 10/= per month.
  • Location:  Kuwait
  • Position – Permanent


Motorcycle mechanics assemble, maintain, repair and restore motorcycles and other multi-wheeled lightweight all-terrain vehicles that have astride seating and handlebar controls.

When customers bring in motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles for preventative maintenance or repair, motorcycle mechanics:

·         discuss complaints with customers or the service manager

·         diagnose problems and locate failures with the electrical system, engine, power, suspension or frame by inspecting the vehicle, listening to it operate and using testing equipment

·         dismantle, adjust and repair or replace mechanical and electrical system parts and components

·         perform routine maintenance such as cleaning and adjusting the carburetor, adjusting the clutch, brakes and drive chain, and replacing worn parts

·         know how to rebuild or replace parts, operate equipment such as valve seat cutters, chassis dynamometers, tire changers and computers.

How to Apply

E-mail cv to :

Job Categories: Technician. Job Types: Full-Time.

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